Weekend in Nantes Feb. 4, 2022

Three weeks after arriving, we hopped on a train and headed west to the city of Nantes for the weekend. It was about a 2 1/2 hour ride in a very comfy seat - we booked first class for Lucca’s sake ;)

Nantes was a bigger city than I realized. It’s a university city surrounded by the Loire river. We spent Saturday at the Jardin des Plantes - a beautiful park with fun sculpture.

We also walked around the Chateau des ducs de Bretagne - a gorgeous 13th century chateau right smack in the middle of the city.

We always eat well and make friends along the way.

Jamie Rawding

Jamie is an American artist who moved to Paris in 2022 to continue her studies in drawing, painting and art history. She returned to the US in 2024 but continues to spend time in France.


Musee d’Orsay - Feb. 9, 2022


Museum days with Michael - Jan. 27, 2022